
Showing posts from 2016

"The Illusion Of Being Different"

A few months ago, I came to a sudden awakening to the fact that my dominant vibration was grief and sadness. That came as a huge surprise because all along I was focused only on "anger" as the most problematic aspect in me. Many people kept harping on that as my biggest problem, so I just assumed they must be right. Funny, but I always thought of sadness and grief related mostly to death (conditioned thinking) and since no one's death has influenced me to the point of inner disturbance, it never crossed my mind. On looking back, I see now my brooding and tear faced images of which there are millions, looming large in my mind's eye. I was sad all my life and I did'nt even know it! It influenced my life so deeply yet I was ignorant and clueless about it.  It is scary how we can go through an entire lifetime so clueless about ourselves.  I believe my real change started when this epiphany struck me like a bolt of lightening.  Since then much has happened.  To

Living in Joy In An Uncertain Reality

Rameswaram, South India This Blog is dedicated to my dear friend Chotty's beloved Brother-in-law, Arup Banerjee, a Shining Bright Star, who recently passed on to his True Home, his lovely wife Sherin, whom I have not yet met but heard so much about, to Chotty and her wonderful and generous family. May each of You feel the Presence of Spirit as deeply as possible as you live through this experience of loss and grief. And so it is. My Friend and I recently returned from an incredible and metamorphic holiday in South India. We came back aglow with millions of experiences of joy, happiness, laughter, simple annoyances, a few ups and downs, forgiveness stories, long philosophical and spiritual discussions, lots of good food, plenty of beautiful people, (and not-so-beautiful ones too), different cultures, sunshine, cold and rain and, most important, an uncertain reality of pending death .... basically living the whole gamut of an  ideal normal life  to its fullest, surroun

September: A New Dawn

"Welcome to September! I feel that this should be displayed with flashing lights because after the intense energy of the past few months this month will come as a welcome relief. This month’s theme is ‘A New Dawn’ and it is action packed with lots of energy activity, it’s all geared towards forward movement, with less of the hard edges that we have seen in the past few months. But this comes with conditions too because September is also a month where we will see a lot of our past coming up for review and we have to choose which path we’ll follow – the past or the future.  Remember that the dawn arrives after the darkest part of the night. I think we’ve all been through that, don’t you?  We have big choices to make this month but we get help making them in the form of very supportive energy that will allow us to see more clearly, choose more powerfully, and act with confidence. Are you ready for some action? Then you’re ready for September."   There's a whole lot more

Shine on Passer-by!

WHO AM I? Just a traveller walking within looking for new horizons daring to explore unchartered territories of the Soul. I am not in a hurry because I understand the value of an "eternity" based mind. When I am not in a hurry I can stop and say to someone - anyone - SHINE ON PASSER-BY! When I am at ease Everything is just Perfect. Exactly As It Is. ~~~

I Call on The Light Within


Emerson's Declaration of Spiritual Independence

"Standing on the bare ground, ...  my head bathed by the blithe air,  and uplifted into infinite space, ...  all mean egotism vanishes.  I become a transparent eye-ball;  I am nothing; I see all;  the currents of the  Universal Being circulate through me;  I am part or particle of God." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

First Signs of Inner Peace

Peace is something every single human being strives for.  Therin lies the confusion.  The things that are of heaven need not be striven for. No effort is required; only a quiet willingness to "become" in our minds what we already are in The Divine Universal Mind: Eternal. Everlasting. Blissful.  For the first time, ever, I am feeling truly peaceful within. There's a sense of calm that has settled down in the pit of my stomach. It was there that all the rumblings of powerlessness and pain seemed to exist. I have given up the fight to "be" anything.  I have accepted everything about my Life exactly as it is. I have been engaged in deep self inquiry for some years now, refining the quality of questions in my mind, and it feels like the main big obstacles about my past has melted away and I have stopped feeling limited by my past stories. I am not that person anymore. Where did that person go? I don't know. I just "queried" her away. She has gone

My Soul Impulse: A Simple Self-Inquirer!

There are many ways to ask God who He is, and who am I?   I refer to God as "He" and "She" variously only because it has become a habit to do so.  When I am resting in truly honest moments, I cannot visualize a gender based God at all as much as I try. Neither am I one of those people who sees God, Angels, visions and colors and dreams vividly.  Infact, I am least of the fancy spiritualists who believe they see many "wondrous" things.  And most of all, I am someone who does'nt accept someone else's version of truth as mine. I am an Explorer of Truth and a simple Self Inquirer. I constantly keep questioning and inquiring into everything that comes before me. I appreciate all the inputs that comes from various sources, but at the end of the day, it is my own understanding I rely on. No experience can ever be wrong.  If one examines one's thoughts, one will find that one has received exactly as one has desired, felt and dreamed of more

The Soul of Friendships.

There are only two occasions in my life that I love to celebrate -  My Birthday and Friendship Day. I have been choosing my own "family" my entire life.  They are called Friends.  I gathered them along the way.  Like a string of Cosmic Pearls. They opened my heart wide to love and be loved  Each came with a Gift according to the calling of my Soul. Everyone comes with a purpose. Everyone leaves on purpose  Some are Forever Friends. They always find their way back to you. They grow with you and they become like your  most cherished and favourite soft blanket. My closest Friends are few. I would love to gather more. Relationships without the fragrance and blend of Friendships are dry. There is always that teeny, tiny piece missing -  Like grandma's secret ingredient to her most famous family recipe!! No matter what relationship I share with another,  Friendship is an important factor for me Some Souls understand this

Divine Feminine Prayers

 Beloved Mother   Who imparts to all the sense of choice so we may finally come to choose  You who are Truth and thus find everlasting freedom Glory to your name Oh Truth   For yours is the kingdom of existence of peace and love All power and glory emanates from You alone Who imparts to all the wisdom, the light, the love and courage to refer to themselves as I Am Amen Om ~ Mooji ~ Dear God/Goddess/Universe, Please align all my thoughts and actions with my Highest Good  and Greatest Joy, at all times. Let each moment of my life be an expression  and celebration of Life itself! Help me to remain in my natural state of Joy  and Abundance always. You are my protector, healer and supreme Teacher.  So lead me with gentleness and firmness. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  ~ Reena Sen ~ CALLING MY NAME I walk with Earth under my feet I walk with visions in my eyes I walk with fire inside me

Energy Update - Extreme Consciousness - Birthing a Humanitarian Collective

Key points: • Extreme consciousness is arriving now. • Sensitives will be noticing the extreme pulses of growing consciousness right now, emotionally and energetically, as we move between dark and light at greater speeds. • The healing of unconsciousness in our world is currently focused on: Division. This period brings up extreme reactions, emotions and actions as what was once suppressed and divided within us, rises for healing and integration. Once these inner energies are healed and integrated, new potentials, senses of purpose and creativity birth in response. This is a time of new and fast birth. • The past is releasing fast. This means memories rise as old habits release from your body. • A brand new stamina is available for those who tend to their self-care. • A New Collective purpose is birthing - a more humanitarian way of being. As this births in you, it raises intimacy issues to the surface and asks how close you can be to others, and how awake

Freedom from the Known: Man's Search

My Quest In keeping with my quest to become the very question "Who Are You God, and Who Am I?" I plan to share excerpts from Jiddu Krishnamurthi's "Freedom From The Known" over the next (many) posts to help me become more at ease with who "I Am" which is up for a thorough exploration and examination, or atleast an attempt to contemplate them. Jiddu Krishnamurthi is one of my personal few favourites because his teachings are radical, life transforming, practical and always in the present no matter what era you read his spiritual contributions to this world. They are worth examining and delving into, and if one has no fear of loosing one's present ego personality from every belief, label and identification with oneself and the world, then this is a good way to think seriously about something that is going to impact my Soul growth on a daily basis.  The Question So, here goes today's excerpt from Jiddu Krishnamurthi's "

What is True?

“Reality is what we take to be true,” pioneering physicist David Bohm asserted in 1977. “What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends on what we look for. What we look for depends on what we think. What we think depends on what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality.” ** What indeed is true and what is not? I don't think anyone really knows. Everything is about what one believes  to be true. All the beliefs have eventually become laws that govern our lives in the material world. They are not the same as the spiritual laws of the Universe.  The spiritual laws would be too hard to accept and put into place because they would involve Kindness and Mercy at every level of our existence which human beings would have to be initiated into - and I mean this in the kindest way possible, because most of

Choosing Risk Over Regret

Find your own Unique Path and start walking.   As you take the first step forward,  the road will open up just for you and  The Light will begin to show you The Way. It is one thing to decide to live FREE and it is quite another to carry that decision forward.  The decision to BE and STAY Authentic, Free and Inspired is ongoing as much as it is challenging to say the least. It feels this way for the simple reason that we have programmed ourselves to stay locked in, and chained to the old, worn out and rusted belief systems in our minds. It can be a painful process breaking free and as long as we are on this planet, it will be our task to work on setting our Spirits free on a daily basis. And as you get busy with the project of setting your Unique Self free, you will begin to feel the burn and start to feel yourself at odds with the world. The journey begins and your life will be changed forever. You begin to find yourself out-of-tune with most of the people in your life.

Why Is It Important to BE ME?

  Why is it so important to me BE ME?   KNOW YOURSELF   This is the Soul Quest of each and every Soul without exception.  So, if I fail to show up as ME (Spirit Self), the whole Soul Purpose for which I agreed to incarnate at this time on Earth, is going to miss the most glorious time in this awesome Golden Age period, that is already upon us. Nothing is random. God's Creative Intelligence is constantly functioning in the very heartbeat of each Soul waiting to manifest and flower exactly as God wants it to be. What's not to be superbly excited, passionate and enthusiastic about?  Its about staying focussed on the Peace, Joy and Happiness of God in us and make it manifest.  To Be Me is to BE  an Enabler and for very obvious reasons, it is the only way to BE!! Recognizing that I Am a creation  of Spirit puts me right in the lap of God because He created me, and what He creates can only be perfect.  And this stands for All of God's Creations.  To really and tr

The One Law

The following is an excerpt from The Essene Gospel of Peace. It is about the intuitive discovery of The One Law by Moses of the Old Testament in The Holy Bible. "He first observed that man lives in a dynamic, constantly changing universe; plants and animals grow and disappear; moons wax and wane. There is no static point in nature or man. He saw that the Law manifests in perpetual change, and that behind the change is a plan of Cosmic Order on a vast scale. He came to understand that the Law is the greatest and only power in the universe and that all other laws and all things are a part of the one Law. The Law is subject to no other law or laws. It is eternal, indestructible, incapable of defeat. A plant, a tree, a human body or a solar system each has its own laws, mathematical, biological and astronomical. But the one supreme power, the Law, is behind all of them. The Law governs all that takes place in the universe, and all other universes, all activity, all c