Choosing Risk Over Regret

Find your own Unique Path and start walking.  
As you take the first step forward, 
the road will open up just for you and 
The Light will begin to show you The Way.

It is one thing to decide to live FREE and it is quite another to carry that decision forward.  The decision to BE and STAY Authentic, Free and Inspired is ongoing as much as it is challenging to say the least. It feels this way for the simple reason that we have programmed ourselves to stay locked in, and chained to the old, worn out and rusted belief systems in our minds. It can be a painful process breaking free and as long as we are on this planet, it will be our task to work on setting our Spirits free on a daily basis. And as you get busy with the project of setting your Unique Self free, you will begin to feel the burn and start to feel yourself at odds with the world. The journey begins and your life will be changed forever. You begin to find yourself out-of-tune with most of the people in your life. You cannot go back to living the way you used to live. More important, you refuse to be that person you used to be once upon a time, even though people still insist on identifying you with the old personality. You don't mind letting go of people who are not matching up with your changes. You refuse to be a member of that boring club where you did all the so-called 'respectable' and 'nice' things because it was supposed to be the 'right' thing to do simply because everybody does it. And most of all, you begin to no longer care about the world you are leaving behind because to stay in it is painful. It is most unfulfilling and a collosal waste of time. Money can only buy that much.  

To be free involves saying NO to many things that I could not say 'no' to previously. It requires me to be bolder than I have ever been because, refusing to live by the usual code of conduct needs every ounce of self belief and self compassion to be brought to the surface in order for me to walk down that road.

Living free requires me to be conscious of extreme Self Care, which means taking a step back from getting involved in stuff that steals my joy. I have not always been successful where this is concerned but I am working on it. I still loose my temper and get really, really cheesed off when I am pushed in a corner to do things I really do not want to do.  But I am getting better at beginning to live on my own terms and not feel bad about it. I am intolerant of double standards and hypocrisy. Put all this together and you are guaranteed to live a lonely life.  And so be it.  But I am willing more and more to be alone.  That is the price to pay for moving away from the dictates of the world.  True happiness comes after we loosen our grip and control of the ways of the world.

As a society, we cherish many misunderstood values and as individuals, most are afraid to take the path less trodden.  Familiarity feels safer, but for how long?  How long can one live in the same old way, observing the same old worldly beliefs that make no sense at all? How can anyone be happy living according to the belief systems that have not emanated from him/herself? What a waste of a lifetime living according to someone else's belief. It is no wonder then, such souls are unable to make freer and more liberating choices. They are comfortable with the status quo. 

There are many colours and hues in the landscape of Life but we are afraid live from our hearts, to splash too much and too many bright colors, to get a glimpse of the unknown ..... !! God help us if we do because who knows? .... it just might make others believe that we are actually having fun being Free Spirited!!

I am more interested in becoming "Friends" with Life. Friendship is the most valuable relationship to have with myself and, consequently with others. No matter what the relationship one has with another (mother, father, brother, sister, etc.) it is important to be friends in that relationship.  A relationship that is based on friendship is a respectful and divine one.  True Friends know that imposition on another is not an option.  Nothing is ever taken for granted. Boundaries are respected. We begin to acknowledge and use our independence even if we have kept ourselves locked up in the prisons of our own minds in the past. Friendship with Life enables us to break the chain of bondage because we begin to see a friendly world, a world where other Free Spirits reside. Friends reach into your very Soul and bring out the BEST in you. There is no competition. There is true Love and Humor, Kindness and Joy, a Spark that is ready to burst into a huge Flame of the Holy Spirit.  I am willing to take that risk.

I choose the RISK to be HAPPY  and FREE and REVEL in the Uniqueness of MY Soul.

Who is God and who am I?  
God is All That Is ..... and .....
I Am an Extension of All That Is:
A Soul who is learning to fly with unclipped wings 
and soar in the sky!

And So It Is.

~ Lavina ~


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