Why Is It Important to BE ME?


Why is it so important to me BE ME?  

This is the Soul Quest of each and every Soul without exception. 

So, if I fail to show up as ME (Spirit Self), the whole Soul Purpose for which I agreed to incarnate at this time on Earth, is going to miss the most glorious time in this awesome Golden Age period, that is already upon us. Nothing is random. God's Creative Intelligence is constantly functioning in the very heartbeat of each Soul waiting to manifest and flower exactly as God wants it to be. What's not to be superbly excited, passionate and enthusiastic about?  Its about staying focussed on the Peace, Joy and Happiness of God in us and make it manifest.  To Be Me is to BE an Enabler and for very obvious reasons, it is the only way to BE!! Recognizing that I Am a creation  of Spirit puts me right in the lap of God because He created me, and what He creates can only be perfect.  And this stands for All of God's Creations.  To really and truly understand God with our whole being, it is necessary to leave the world of illusions, and all its beliefs, and discover who we really are.

 "God established His relationship with you to make you happy, and nothing you do which does not share His purpose can be real. The purpose God ascribed to anything is its only function. Because of His reason for creating His relationship with you, the function of relationships became forever "to make happy." And nothing else. To fulfill this function, you relate to your creations as God to His. For nothing God created is apart from happiness, and nothing God created but would extend happiness as its Creator did. Whatever fulfills this function not cannot be real."   ~ A Course In Miracles ~      

There is a light in you the world can not
   perceive. And with its eyes you will not see
   this light, for you are blinded by the world.
   Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there
   for you to look upon. It was not placed
   in you to be kept hidden from your sight.
   This light is the reflection of the thought
   we practice now. To feel the love of God
   within you is to see the world in light,
   shining in innocence, alive with hope,
   and blessed with perfect charity and love.

~ A Course In Miracles ~


Love Happens, 
~ Lavina ~


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