Divine Feminine Prayers

 Beloved Mother
 Who imparts to all the sense of choice
so we may finally come to choose 
who are Truth
and thus find everlasting freedom
Glory to your name
Oh Truth
 For yours is the kingdom of existence
of peace and love
All power and glory emanates from
You alone
Who imparts to all
the wisdom, the light, the love and courage
to refer to themselves as
I Am
Amen Om
~ Mooji ~

Dear God/Goddess/Universe,
Please align all my thoughts and actions with my Highest Good 
and Greatest Joy, at all times.
Let each moment of my life be an expression 
and celebration of Life itself!
Help me to remain in my natural state of Joy 
and Abundance always.
You are my protector, healer and supreme Teacher. 
So lead me with gentleness and firmness.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
 ~ Reena Sen ~

I walk with Earth under my feet
I walk with visions in my eyes
I walk with fire inside me
I walk with Spirits as my guides
When I feel like I can't breathe
I take a walk and I am healed.
I'm walking to the center
I'm walking through the sacred field
I'm walking deeper and deeper
Learning the secrets to the night
I'm looking into the fire
I'm looking past the light
When I feel I can't breathe
I take a walk and I am healed
I'm walking back to the center
I'm running through the sacred field
I hear them calling my name.

~ Jim Beer ~


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