September: A New Dawn

Love ✿⊱╮It's always good to count my blessings and remember how insignificant my…:
"Welcome to September! I feel that this should be displayed with flashing lights because after the intense energy of the past few months this month will come as a welcome relief. This month’s theme is ‘A New Dawn’ and it is action packed with lots of energy activity, it’s all geared towards forward movement, with less of the hard edges that we have seen in the past few months. But this comes with conditions too because September is also a month where we will see a lot of our past coming up for review and we have to choose which path we’ll follow – the past or the future.  Remember that the dawn arrives after the darkest part of the night. I think we’ve all been through that, don’t you?  We have big choices to make this month but we get help making them in the form of very supportive energy that will allow us to see more clearly, choose more powerfully, and act with confidence. Are you ready for some action? Then you’re ready for September."  There's a whole lot more at her website. Follow this link:
~ Jennifer Hoffman ~

Most times I feel like all we ever do is keep talking about the same things over and over again, but I do realize that this whole transition is a process through which we learn thoroughly our life lessons in order to avoid repetition of the same old story and stale energetic attractions. How long this takes depends on how strong and determined we are for closure .....  And that is why I was so pleasantly surprised to read this first paragrah of Jennifer Hoffman's Energy Report. It is completely in sinc with so much that has been happening in my life. I felt a deep sense of relief. It was not coincidence that those were the first lines to a very interesting energy forecast for the month. It felt like the Universe was talking just to me!! Life looks so promising now.  So many chapters have been closed . New things are going to be happening this month as well not to mention the fact that it is my birth month. I had already planned to use September for launching new goals for myself, so the lines "This month’s theme is ‘A New Dawn’ and it is action packed with lots of energy activity, it’s all geared towards forward movement, ....." was like music to my ears! 

It is always interesting to closely observe one's life. The way stuff happens, it is almost mystical. Nothing is random. I have actually stopped dreading the Mercury Retrograde and instead, have learned to see all these astrological happenings as continuious opportunities presented to us to facilitate new beginnings that enable us to enter the gateway of change. We need significant cosmic happenings in our life to celebrate the new so that we can create a ceremony to remind us of the importance and beauty of our lives and that we matter in the scheme of all things put together.  We each are a part of a Cosmic Mandala.

As you make changes ~ in your life ~ a shift in energy ~ raises you awareness ~ your consciousness ~ your vibration!

I also chanced upon Jesus's saying from The Gospel of Thomas "Become Passers-by" which, lodged itself straight in my heart, giving me yet another confirmation of my new ideas for change.  I feel the vibrational frequency of the next level buzzing in my awareness. I feel I need to become a silent and patient "Observer" as a part of my new learning experience - observe without attachment and judgment.  To be a Passer-by is really to let things happen exactly as they happen without our need to stress out and long for different outcomes. Observation is a powerful technique for stirring up the old and stagnant energies.  Just the observation itself creates shifts in the mind.  The Holy Spirit takes over everything once we have offered it to Her. When we allow, stuff happens perfectly.  I am marveling at how everything is tying up so beautifully together to create perfection in my consciousness.

Life happens, and that is perfectly okay!


The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.  The challenge is to silence the mind. <3 More beautiful inspiration on Joy of Mom! <3


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