First Signs of Inner Peace

Peace is something every single human being strives for.  Therin lies the confusion.  The things that are of heaven need not be striven for. No effort is required; only a quiet willingness to "become" in our minds what we already are in The Divine Universal Mind: Eternal. Everlasting. Blissful. 

For the first time, ever, I am feeling truly peaceful within. There's a sense of calm that has settled down in the pit of my stomach. It was there that all the rumblings of powerlessness and pain seemed to exist. I have given up the fight to "be" anything.  I have accepted everything about my Life exactly as it is. I have been engaged in deep self inquiry for some years now, refining the quality of questions in my mind, and it feels like the main big obstacles about my past has melted away and I have stopped feeling limited by my past stories. I am not that person anymore. Where did that person go? I don't know. I just "queried" her away. She has gone into oblivion.

And no one, including myself especially, can resurrect her again.

And so it is. Namaste.

~ Lavina ~


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