The Soul of Friendships.

There are only two occasions in my life that I love to celebrate - 
My Birthday and Friendship Day.

I have been choosing my own "family" my entire life. 
They are called Friends. 
I gathered them along the way. 
Like a string of Cosmic Pearls.

They opened my heart wide to love and be loved 
Each came with a Gift according to the calling of my Soul.

Everyone comes with a purpose.
Everyone leaves on purpose 
Some are Forever Friends.
They always find their way back to you.
They grow with you and they become like your 
most cherished and favourite soft blanket.

My closest Friends are few.
I would love to gather more.
Relationships without the fragrance and blend of Friendships are dry.
There is always that teeny, tiny piece missing - 
Like grandma's secret ingredient to her most famous family recipe!!

No matter what relationship I share with another, 
Friendship is an important factor for me
Some Souls understand this and some don't.

Friendships bridge all gaps in life.
My only Family are Friends.
The Ones who are loyal and true
Who hold no judgment against me.
Honesty is the golden key
And Love that always allows me to just Be.

May I be a True Friend to All.


~ Lavina ~


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