An Enlightening Year So Far!

Dancers in front of the Taj Mahal, Agra, India by Jim Zuckerman Rainbow and Blue Skies: 2017 started off for me in the most enlightening way because I began to see the huge blessings of my past upto that point like a bright rainbow across the sky of my consciousness. Five months down the line this year, and I already know enough to call this my enlightenment year. The word "enlightenment" means differently to different people, but for me it is a series of awakening to all that was, is, and will be TRUE and REAL in my life every single day. This is happening because I have got every smallest detail in my life under a microscope and questioning its authenticity.

The moment I believe something to be true, it becomes true. The moment I question its authenticity, the earth rumbles!! It rumbles because the Truth manifests itself in all its glory. Now, I am not saying its a good experience at the initial stages, because say, for example for the purpose of deeper clarity, you come to know a person whom you thought was a genuine friend and you bet your life on her/his character to be honest and true, you come to know that he/she actually betrayed you in such a way you could'nt possibly imagine and added to that, has belittled and ridiculed the worst phase of your life, nothing short of an earth rumble takes place in your whole being. It disrupts and disturbs every fibre of your being and it feels like everything is being rearranged within you, not in a bad way, (though you cannot see it then), BUT IN A VERY GOOD WAY.

The magnitude of an enlightenment comes later when all the dust has settled down. For me, all my enlightenment moments and phases are recognized in hindsight. And then you are at absolute peace. Being in the company of such people disturbs your total peace of mind. When I say "company", I mean energetically, if you are maintaining a connection, it never goes right.

People from your past (those with serious issues to settle) will show up in your life only for one reason: to clear the path for your higher spiritual pursuits. I have learned one thing: reunions of such people comes with a big bow around the package that says "unwrap me". And when you unwrap them, hold on to your center, because there's going to be either a storm at sea or a quiet, calm, matured, talking time that makes and gives peace beyond understanding.

 I have had such serious moments these past few years which have collectively awakened me up to who I Am in Truth, and what is acceptable and what is not. Forgiveness is not just about saying "I'm sorry" - to me its about getting up and walking every time I fall down because I do it just for ME, not for anybody else. THE AWAKENING AND ENLIGHTENMENT PART IS WHEN YOU DISCOVER THAT YOU NEVER REALLY DID IT JUST FOR YOU, YOU ACTUALLY DID IT FOR THE WHOLE. Once you awaken to the beauty and power of your own Being, there is no longer you and me, there is only Life, and to me Life is Spirit, God, Ultimate Reality, whatever you call it.

Life is a series of births and deaths played out on the canvas of Pure Awareness. Once something dies, it dies. You metaphorically bury it or cremate it and offer it to The Light. Its not the form, its the happening of an experience - a very important experience because without that, you cannot AWAKEN to the Soul of YOU.

Like, I said earlier, enlightenment means differently to different people.

And so, I say to myself now DEAREST YOU, YOU ARE ALWAYS SAFE. ALL IS WELL AND ALL SHALL ALWAYS BE WELL. May we all stay aware of our enlightening moments and be ever blessed by them.

Lavina Olive Jain


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