Be True to The Self Within

"Be True to The Self no matter what happens" commanded her Soul. 

This command came as a sudden impulse to jump up from her lethargy and start a new personal trail of Self Love and as she physically jumped up from her bed, she knew this was no ordinary command or calling.  This was her Soul imploring her to be done with the procrastination.  She got stuck somewhere along the line and fear kept her rooted to the ground causing a lot of self doubt, self criticism and a lack of faith in a Power that was always constantly acting as her North Star, guiding her to push beyond her present state of lethargy.  And she felt the deepest desire she ever knew to answer that Call because it was an ancient clarion call beckoning her to take up her rightful, loving, and adoring place in the Arms of God with deeper devotion. 

Since then she has been vibrating with new resolve, a new love, a new dedication and a new determination which involves everyone and no one.  To be uncompromisingly true to the Self IS an inner experience and she has recommitted to this Soul Calling.  Her Soul needs this human aspect to come into true and proper alignment with Spirit and she is obeying. Exhausted from the endless procrastination and deliberate shuffling of the feet, she is willing to let go her grip and control of her world.  She is tired of trying to belong, to fit in, to spare other people's feelings at the cost of her own, and to put up with inauthenticity in this world.  She is ready now to break through the rough surfaces of fear ......  because she is pregnant with a new version of herself  ....... because she knows if she does not give birth to this newer, fresher, purer aspect of her Higher Self now, she will become stillborn.  Why? Oh Why? would she want to become stillborn?? No reason at all. No reason at all. 

She is breaking free!!!

~ Lavina Olive ~


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