
Showing posts from October, 2016

"The Illusion Of Being Different"

A few months ago, I came to a sudden awakening to the fact that my dominant vibration was grief and sadness. That came as a huge surprise because all along I was focused only on "anger" as the most problematic aspect in me. Many people kept harping on that as my biggest problem, so I just assumed they must be right. Funny, but I always thought of sadness and grief related mostly to death (conditioned thinking) and since no one's death has influenced me to the point of inner disturbance, it never crossed my mind. On looking back, I see now my brooding and tear faced images of which there are millions, looming large in my mind's eye. I was sad all my life and I did'nt even know it! It influenced my life so deeply yet I was ignorant and clueless about it.  It is scary how we can go through an entire lifetime so clueless about ourselves.  I believe my real change started when this epiphany struck me like a bolt of lightening.  Since then much has happened.  To

Living in Joy In An Uncertain Reality

Rameswaram, South India This Blog is dedicated to my dear friend Chotty's beloved Brother-in-law, Arup Banerjee, a Shining Bright Star, who recently passed on to his True Home, his lovely wife Sherin, whom I have not yet met but heard so much about, to Chotty and her wonderful and generous family. May each of You feel the Presence of Spirit as deeply as possible as you live through this experience of loss and grief. And so it is. My Friend and I recently returned from an incredible and metamorphic holiday in South India. We came back aglow with millions of experiences of joy, happiness, laughter, simple annoyances, a few ups and downs, forgiveness stories, long philosophical and spiritual discussions, lots of good food, plenty of beautiful people, (and not-so-beautiful ones too), different cultures, sunshine, cold and rain and, most important, an uncertain reality of pending death .... basically living the whole gamut of an  ideal normal life  to its fullest, surroun