
Showing posts from May, 2016

Neither This Nor That

“Anyone who has ever been the means of a spiritual healing knows that this is true and that his individual mind, as it is imbued with Truth, becomes a law of renewal, regeneration, or reformation expressing as physical, mental, moral, or financial healing to those who come to him. As troubled people bring their problems to us, if we are able to see the person or condition as neither good nor evil, sick nor well, rich nor poor, that is, see him without judgment, we then no longer have a carnal mind, but are in full possession of the mind which was in Christ Jesus — a mind which recognizes only one power, an unconditioned mind — and it dispels the illusions of sense. We do not have to get rid of or overcome the carnal mind; we do not have to destroy it: We only have to understand that our mind is a perfect instrument for the Soul, and this it becomes as we fill our mind with spiritual truth and grace. ~ Joel Goldsmith ~

Be True to The Self Within

"Be True to The Self no matter what happens" commanded her Soul.  This command came as a sudden impulse to jump up from her lethargy and start a new personal trail of Self Love and as she physically jumped up from her bed, she knew this was no ordinary command or calling.  This was her Soul imploring her to be done with the procrastination.  She got stuck somewhere along the line and fear kept her rooted to the ground causing a lot of self doubt, self criticism and a lack of faith in a Power that was always constantly acting as her North Star, guiding her to push beyond her present state of lethargy.  And she felt the deepest desire she ever knew to answer that Call because it was an ancient clarion call beckoning her to take up her rightful, loving, and adoring place in the Arms of God with deeper devotion.  Since then she  has been vibrating with new resolve, a new love, a new dedication and a new determination which involves everyone and no one.  To be un