
Feelings and emotions are great pointers in life. They act as check posts in my life. Each day I would like to create new things - new perspectives, new habits, new beliefs, etc. but before I do that I have to examine the old and dominant ones that seem to be running my life unconsciously. Introspection is a great way to help me navigate my life in the direction I want. There is no right and/or wrong direction. There is just a direction and all any direction can do is present me with multiple opportunities to choose from. Introspection is a strong pillar to build up oneself. It allows me to look at my life in its rawest and most open way that reflects both light and shadow. When shadows are played with, they form their own beautiful stories. I have seen some incredible stage shows that create magic through shadows on a plain background. They create an other-worldly effect. Both Light and Shadow can be embraced through introspection. The question "Who are You, God...